• Shopit Website 2007/2008
  • Shopit Website 2007/2008
PROJECT:    Shopit Web Site Designs 2007 / 2008
ROLE(S):    Creative Director / UI Design / Information Architect
DESCRIPTION:    Throughout several iterations of the Shopit web site, the challenge of attracting users to the many features of a site dedicated to social commerce was met by consistently changing layouts depending on what was judged to be working or not working in the existing designs.


As a startup in the very early stages of inception, Shopit provided me with the opportunity to help shape the concept of "social commerce" with a team of very talented internet marketers at the helm. It also tasked our small team with having to wear multiple hats during the design and development cycle, something that reinforced in me the necessity of instituting proper processes for the successful completion of a project's goals.